Did you know that Hue Loco has a loyalty program? We absolutely love the community of makers that has formed around Hue Loco, and this is one way to let you know that we see you and love you for coming back again and again!

If you aren’t already signed up, we will outline how to open an account, start accumulating points each time you make a purchase, and explain all the excellent things you can do with them.

From our homepage, click the orange button located in the bottom right corner of the screen. If you are on a computer, this button will read “Loyalty Points.” If you are on mobile, there will be a wrapped gift icon.

When you click here, you will be asked either to log in (if you already have an account — you might have some points waiting for you!) or to create an account.

To create an account, simply fill in the empty fields and click “Create”!

You are so close, but before your account is created, you must confirm your email address! You will receive an email from us once you create your account. Simply open this email and click “Activate Your Account.”

You will now be redirected to our website, where you can check out your new loyalty dashboard!

Under the “Earn Points” menu, you can see all the various ways to accrue points! Buying anything from our website will earn you one point per dollar spent. But you can also follow us on Instagram, like us on Facebook, sign up for our newsletter or leave a review to earn even more!

Make sure to add your birthday to your account! That way we can gift you 500 points on your special day!

So, we know how to get points, but what can you do with them? Under the “Rewards” menu, you can see exactly what your point balance can get you. Once you earn a reward, you can choose to spend it right away, or you can keep adding to your point stash for a larger reward down the road!

We love it so much when our customers share their love of Hue Loco. With your rewards account, you can earn points by doing just that! Under the “Refer” tab on your dashboard, you will find a link that is specific to you and your account. When you share this with a friend and they use that link, they will automatically get 10% off their first purchase. And if they spend over $30 with us, you get 500 points deposited into your account! A total win-win! Check out our customer perks for other ways to save with hue loco!

Things to consider

  • Always make sure you are signed into your account before making a purchase! This ensures that you earn points for any purchases you make.
  • Points on purchases take 2 weeks to validate before you're able to use them (they will show up on your account as pending)
  • You cannot use your loyalty points with other discount codes. If you claim your points but are unable to use them during that checkout, please reach out to us at orders@hueloco.com


Now that you know the rewards system inside and out, go forth and earn those rewards!


August 18, 2023 — Sarah P
Tags: resources

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